VideoPut from Nuclear Coffee is a light tool that will allow you to upload videos from your hard drive to the internet and publish them on streaming sites like YouTube, MySpace, Athletic Tube, DailyMotion, Zippy Videos, among others.
The program is very simple, you just have to select website, enter your login info, a title, description, keywords, category, language, and video file to upload, etc. Then you can process a single file or a batch
Features include drag and drop, and the possibility to processs multiple simultaneous files while avoiding the use of your web browser and allowing for a faster upload.
This application is really intuitive, presents a nice but basic graphic interface without many additional tools (a video editor or some conversion possibilities would really improve the program, I also missed a preview screen). Really useful for those who share a lot of videos on internet sites and want to make that process easier. If you want to test this software, a limited trial, which only allows you to upload 20 videos, is available for download.
Operating Systems:
Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Server.